Saturday, March 5, 2016

Our Last Days in Utah

We've been making the most of our last few days in Utah. On Thursday, while Jill was working, Brandon and I found a rock climbing gym in Salt Lake City. We spent over three hours at Momentum Indoor Climbing and enjoyed working through the different top rope routes. 

We checked out one of three locations that this gym has

The gym had plenty of space in a huge warehouse

We enjoyed navigating some routes around and over these blue bulges

Ready to climb

You cans see the mountains from the climbing gym

In the evening, we met up with Jill's small group. They're between Bible studies, so they had a social week which included eating at Loco Lizard and then bowling. Loco Lizard is a Mexican restaurant, so of course we were all in. The verde salsa there was particularly delicious. Instead of staying in Park City, we ended up driving 20 minutes to Salt Lake City to bowl, because there was a great deal. $6 for shoes and two games is a steal! Jill has a great group of friends and it was a good time. 

Taco plate

On Friday we hiked the "PC". What's that? One of the graduating high school classes cemented the initials PC, abbreviated for Park City, into one of the mountainsides. The initials are large enough that you can see them from many places around town. So, we took the trail up to the cemented area and then up to the top of the mound. It was a refreshing hike in the sunny weather, and there was a 360 view to enjoy at the top. 

Jill and I at the top of the "P"

Brandon and I at the base of the "P"

View of Park City from the "PC"

Panorama from the top of the hike

We spent our last evening together eating more homemade tacos, playing Hanabi, watching Bridge of Spies, and finishing up some Utah beer we had bought to sample. Bridge of Spies was an excellent movie with superb acting. It was based on a true story, which always makes us more engaged and leaves us thinking for hours after the movie is done. We enjoyed a Russian Imperial Stout by Squatters Brewery. This seemed fitting as the movie was set in the Cold War which involved the Russians or Soviet Union. 

Various brews from various Utah breweries that we tried over our last few days here. We also had a White IPA from Wasatch Brewing that was Jill's favorite. 

We were initially planning on leaving Sunday morning, but we've had to move our departure up to Saturday morning due to weather. When you're on a giant road trip, weather becomes all important. There's supposed to be a big snow storm coming across the West. While we might be able to race it to Colorado on Sunday, we feel it's better to be safe than sorry. We can't complain too much, because the Utah slopes need that snow, and we're hoping Colorado will benefit as well. Next big stop is Granby Ranch, Colorado to snowboard/ski with Brandon's family. 

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