Sunday, April 19, 2015

Our Sabbatical Announcement

We've been thinking about it for awhile and now we're taking the leap...we've decided to take a year long (or so) sabbatical! Kinda crazy?.. maybe a little. But as many of you know, that's just kinda how we roll. And as per the suggestion/request of many of our friends and family we have started up this here blog to document our adventures for both ourselves and others. This being our first blogpost, we thought it'd be good to address a couple of the basic questions people tend to have...

First, there are many different motivations behind why we're doing this, but one of the most basic ones is that there are lots of things we want do, people to visit, places to see, etc... that we can't do because of the time that having a full-time job consumes. So instead of just waiting for retirement to roll around, we want to experiment with living some of those adventures now. We're kid-free, pet-free, house-free, and debt-free, so now is a great time.

What this means practically is that we're both taking a break from our jobs starting around June. Our first adventure will be to just spend our summer here in Michigan and enjoy the wonderfulness of being right where we're at now, just job free. But then after that, over this year timeframe we want to do a variety of things, including some local and international travel, and to be more available to spend time and live life with friends and family, especially those we don't get to see as much currently because of distance/time constraints. The specific details of those travels we too are still trying to figure out. We'll post updates as we figure all that out. 

So yeah, that is our big announcement! There is definitely more that we'd love to share, but we'll just leave it at that for now and dive into the other specifics in some later blogposts. If you're interested in following our adventure or want to gain some insights into our lives, then feel free to check back in on this blog where we'll hopefully be posting regular updates about our sabbatical plans/happenings as well as other random things we're interested in writing about. Please just bear with us as this blog is a work in progress and is something we'll be working on in the weeks/months ahead. 

Thanks for a listening ear and an open mind. We look forward to sharing in this adventure with all of you who care to follow along.