Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Black Beard

The number one question I've been getting recently has been, why haven't you shaved off your beard yet? Hasn't your sabbatical started already? It is true, I have not shaved it off yet. I'm doing what I do best... procrastinate. It will come off soon, but I'm not quite ready to say goodbye. Katie is also wanting me to shave it off sooner rather than later, not because she dislikes it. But because she wants to get it over with so that it'll grow back sooner. (I found a keeper)

So for one last hurrah with the current beard, I wanted to try one last experiment. Today I dyed it black. And learning from my mistakes last time, I dyed it dyed it instead of using some temporary hair coloring thing that just flakes off in a few days. Also I moved the operation outside so that I wouldn't have to worry about making a mess. Here's how it all went down.

The before shot

My setup outside

The result
And that's that. I now have a black beard. We both like it so far. And it was nice that dying it went much smoother this time. The next set of beard pictures will likely be the shave, but I make no promises. Though Katie may have something to say about that... :)


p.s. In case you missed it, here's the post I did a few weeks ago about dying my beard purplehttp://ourmooseinabox.blogspot.com/2015/06/purple-beard.html

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